Phoenix Totem Gemstone Pendant

You will love wearing this Phoenix, gemstone pendant is set in Sterling Silver. The phoenix symbolizes the cycle of life, birth, death and rebirth, as well as eternity, strength, and renewal. The whole idea that this mythical bird is reborn from the ashes of the flames of death signifies a journey through fire or adversity. Let this pendant help you in your life journey.

Sterling Silver

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Wolf, Totem, Gemstone, Pendant

You will love wearing this Wolf Pendant is set in Sterling Silver. The Wolf is a symbol of guardianship, ritual, loyalty and spirit. Wolf totem has the ability to make quick and firm emotional attachments and often need to trust their own instincts. The wolf energy teaches us to do the same, to trust our hearts and minds and have control over our own lives. Let this pendant help you in your life journey.

Sterling Silver

Please note: THIS LISTING IS FOR THIS PENDANT WITH GREEN ONYX STONES.  Photo shows carnelian but this listing is for green onyx accent stones.

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