Guardian Protector Affirmation Candle – Blessed Herbal
Coventry Creations, Blessed Herbal
A shadow black candle with a green spicy scent, this guardian protector candle is a 2 x4 pillar with a 40 hour burn time. A Blessed Herbal
From without and within, your guardian protects you. Your guardian protector helps you to calmly clearly and confidently build your fortress. It is the moments of stress and fear that leave vulnerable openings in your spirit for the extreme emotions of others to affect you. Relax and allow your Guardian Protector to remove what is harming you and strengthen you against further negative situations. Affirmation: Only you hold the keys to your body, mind and spirit. Guardian Protector, I am in need of you, Lead me through this labyrinth of trouble and protect me from harm. Clear away the interference of others, be they in body or spirit and strengthen my personal fortress of protection. I am safe and comforted in your presence.