Lapis Lazuli Massage Wand
Lapis Lazuli Promotes & Enhances Psychic Development and Intuition Meditative Journeys and Past Life Viewing Clairvoyance and Precognition Higher Awareness Sleep Meditative Journeys Dream Awareness Mental Capacity and Clarity Protection from Physical Danger and Psychic Attacks Helps Alleviate & Heal … Read More

Lapis Lazuli Point
Let the waves of clear inner compassion wash over you as you experience the meditative and healing energy of this wonderful lapis lazuli point. Great for shamanic journeying and listening to your inner self. This price is for the Lapis Lazuli Point Pictured.
How can this crystal help you in your life? See the description below for a list of the physical, emotional, and spiritual properties of lapis lazuli.

Lapis Lazuli Sphere
Let the waves of clear inner compassion wash over you as you experience the meditative and healing energy of this wonderful sphere. Great for shamanic journeying and listening to your inner self.
How can this crystal help you in your life? See the description below for a list of the physical, emotional, and spiritual properties of lapis lazuli.