Witch’s Purse Oil, Witch’s Brew
You will enjoy this Witch’s Purse Oil, Witch’s Brew is everything good under the Sun with Jasmine, Date, and Amber musk.
Get your “Witch” on with the Witch’s Brew oils and honor your Inner-Witch!
Thank goodness times are changing and our sisters can declare their witchiness without deadly persecution.
Even though they are packaged with a whimsical air, the Witch’s Brew products are very serious in their power.
A Witch’s Purse is never empty because she knows the secret of the laws of attraction.
Some general uses for this product:
Use in your laundry.
Add to your floor wash.
Put some in your shoes.
For your altar.
To annoint objects.
Put in a diffuser. 10 ml Dropper bottle.