Cinquefoil, Five Fingers, Cut, Sifted, 1/2 oz
Cinquefoil (Five Fingers) Potentilla erecta
“Vision, five lucks, protection”

Coltsfoot Leaf, Cut, Sifted, 1/2 oz
Coltsfoot Leaf Tussilago farfara
“Vision, soothe, tranquillity”

Copal Tears, White, 1/2 oz
Copal, White Bursera fagaroides
“Purification, love”

Copal, Black, Tears, 1/2 oz
Copal, Black Agathis dammara
“Purification, love”

Devil’s Claw Root, Cut, Sifted, 1 oz
Devil’s Claw Root Harpagophytum procumbens
“Clear negative, unblock”

Feverfew, Cut, Sifted, 1/2 oz
Feverfew Tanacetum parthenium
“Protect environment, release tension”

Ginger Root, Powder, 1/2 oz
Ginger Root Ziniber officinale
“Attract wealth, success, love”

Lavender Flowers, Whole, 1 1/2 oz
Lavendar Flowers (ang.) Lavandula angustifolia
“Protection, sleep, calmness”

Lemongrass, Cut, Sifted, 1/2 oz
Lemon Grass Cymbopogon citratus
“Psychic, receptivity, attraction”

Licorice Root, Cut, Sifted, 1 oz
Licorice Root Glycyrrhiza glabra
“Love, soothe, flavor”

Lobelia, Cut, Sifted, 1 oz
Lobelia Lobelia inflata
“Release, psychic ability”

Orris Root, Powder, 1/2 oz
Orris Root Iris germanica val florentina
“Attract love, protect”

Passion Flower, Cut, Sifted, 1 oz
Passion Flower Passiflora incarnata
“Peace, Sleep, Friendships”

Raspberry Leaf, Cut, Sifted, 1/2 oz
Raspberry Leaf Rubus idaeus
“Love, protection, release”

Rose Buds and Petals, Red, Powder, 1/2 oz
Rose Buds & Petals (Red) Rosa centifolia
“Love, luck, heal”

Rose Buds and Petals, Red, Whole, 1/2 oz
Rose Buds & Petals (Red) Rosa centifolia
“Love, luck, heal”

Rosemary Leaf, Whole, 1 oz
Rosemary Leaf Rosemary officinalis
“Memory, security, energize”

Sandalwood, Red, Cut, Sifted, 1 oz
Sandalwood, Red Pterocarpus santalinus
“Spirituality, love, positivity”

Sandalwood, Red, Powder, 1 oz
Sandalwood, Red Pterocarpus santalinus
“Spirituality, love, positivity”

Sassafras Leaf, Cut, Sifted, 2 oz
Sassafrass Root Bark Sassafras albidum
“Positive results, money, purify”

Spikenard Root, Cut, Sifted, 1 oz
Spikenard Root Aralia racemosa
“Increase health, love, fidelity”

St. John’s Wort, Powder, 1/2 oz
St. John’s Wort Hypericum perforatum
“Protect, strengthen, heal”

Valerian Root, Powder, 1/2 oz
Valerian Root Valeriana officinalis
“Calm, sleep, love”

White Willow Bark, Cut, Sifted, 1 oz
White Willow Bark Salix alba
“Love, healing, divination”