Fluorescent Ranch Sage Smudge Sticks – Blue Sage & Roses ***
Fluorescent Ranch Sage Smudge Sticks – 7″ long. Sustainably harvested in traditional manners.
Desert Sage and Roses – Blue Sage or Grandmother Sage for cleansing of negativity or unwanted spirits plus roses to attract love and domestic peace.

Fluorescent Ranch Sage Smudge Sticks – Triple Goddess Sage ***
Fluorescent Ranch Sage Smudge Sticks – 7″ long. Sustainably harvested in traditional manners.
Triple Goddess Sage – Maiden Sage, Motherwort, and Cronewort all wrapped in the wisdom of Grandmother Sage

Fluorescent Ranch Sage Smudge Sticks -Yuletide***
Fluorescent Ranch Sage Smudge Sticks – 7″ long. Sustainably harvested in traditional manners.
Yuletide – Desert Sage for cleansing of negativity or unwanted spirits, Myrrh for sacred meditation, cloves for comfort for grief, oranges for longevity and friendship and cedar for blessings and offerings

Divine Incense Dragon’s Blood & White Sage Smudge Stick
Dragon’s Blood Sage can be used in ritual magic for protection, banishing, and healing. Dragon’s Blood Sage can be used used to smudge your space and your crystals to keep your space clear of negativity.
Native Americans started the tradition of using Sacred Sage to ward off evil spirits and negative energies, and white sage has been used in ceremonies to seek blessings of health and prosperity, banish spirits, and encourage protection. Sage Smudging is a ritual where the leaves of the Sage plant are burned, and the smoke is directed into and onto areas that are in need of clearing and protection. The idea is that as the leaves are burned, and you speak express your gratitude for it’s assistance, the spirit of the sage plant releases it’s energy of protection and clearing into the space or onto the object that needs clearing. As the smoke moves through the room or over a surface, the smoke attaches itself to any heavy, negative energy that is within the space, object or being. As the smoke clears, the spirit of White Sage carries with it the negative energy that was once attached, back up to the Spiritual Light. This heavy energy then becomes released, so that it may regenerate into something positive. You can perform this smudging ritual on anything or anyone that needs a clearing.

Fluorescent Ranch White Sage & Dragon’s Blood Mini Smudge Stick
Fluorescent Ranch White Sage and Dragon’s Blood Mini Smudge Stick – 4″ long. Sustainably harvested in traditional manners.
- Desert Sage & Dragon’s Blood – Blue Sage or Grandmother Sage for cleansing and purifying of negative energy and unwanted spirits plus Dragon’s Blood for heavy protection.

Divine Incense California White Sage Smudge Stick 7″
White sage (Salvia apiana) is harvested in California and has been used for the smudging ceremony for centuries by the Native Americans from this region. It has a sweeter smell than the desert or grey sage from the southwest and tends to burn easier.
Native Americans started the tradition of using Sacred Sage to ward off evil spirits and negative energies, and white sage has been used in ceremonies to seek blessings of health and prosperity, banish spirits, and encourage protection. Sage Smudging is a ritual where the leaves of the Sage plant are burned, and the smoke is directed into and onto areas that are in need of clearing and protection. The idea is that as the leaves are burned, and you speak express your gratitude for it’s assistance, the spirit of the sage plant releases it’s energy of protection and clearing into the space or onto the object that needs clearing. As the smoke moves through the room or over a surface, the smoke attaches itself to any heavy, negative energy that is within the space, object or being. As the smoke clears, the spirit of White Sage carries with it the negative energy that was once attached, back up to the Spiritual Light. This heavy energy then becomes released, so that it may regenerate into something positive. You can perform this smudging ritual on anything or anyone that needs a clearing.

Divine Incense White Sage with 7 Color Rose Petals
White sage (Salvia apiana) is harvested in California and has been used for the smudging ceremony for centuries by the Native Americans from this region. It has a sweeter smell than the desert or grey sage from the southwest and tends to burn easier. Added colorful rose petals help balance your chakra energy centers or bring sweet, loving energy into your space.
These smudges have Red, Yellow & Pink Rose Petals.

Bedtime Essential Oil Blend, 1/3 oz.
Bedtime Essential Oil Blend has Essential Oils of Lavender, Chamomile Roman, and Neroli.
10 mL. (1/3 oz.)

Breathe Easy Essential Oil Blend
Breathe Easy Aromatherapy Essential Oils Blend to reduce congestion and stuffiness and improve breathing.
4 oz or 1/4 oz. Please make your selection on the pull down menu.
Address congestion concerns naturally with essential oils that help to relax the airways and allow easy breathing. When reactive airways are associated with stress, a positive affirmation may help alleviate non-helpful thoughts. Breathe Easy Essential Oils Blend – Law of Attraction Chest Congestion Remedies Ingredients:
- Eucalyptus Essential Oils: Clears stuffiness
- Peppermint Essential Oils: Expands airways
- Pine Essential Oils: Eases breathlessness
- Lavender Essential Oils: Calms breathing
- Tea Tree Essential Oils: Refreshes and purifies
- Helichrysum Essential Oils: Aids with congestion
Through mindfulness, good intentions and positive thinking, we gain balance and harmony in life. Remaining in this state of mind sharpens focus and builds confidence. It is known that stimulating the olfactory portion of the brain with essential oils affects our nerves, hormones, and behaviors.
Affirmation Oils are Earth Solutions essential oil blends coupled with affirmations for promoting health and well-being. Once an association is established between a positive thought and an aromatherapy oil blend, affirmations become airborne.
Use this oil with oil diffuser, aromatherapy jewelry, or in a carrier oil for application to the skin.
In addition, To get the best results, repeat the affirmation as you inhale the scent of this essential oil blend. Because, with repetition, the positive affirmation will naturally become associated with the aroma.
“As I breathe in Breathe Easy, I feel the fullness and ease of my breath.”

Breathe Well Essential Oil Blend, 1/3 oz.
Breathe Well Essential Oil Blend contains Essential Oils of Sage, Hyssop, Eucalyptus, Spruce, Thyme, and Myrtle.
10 mL. (1/3 oz.)

Indulgence Essential Oil Blend, 1/3 oz.
You can enjoy the scent of Indulgence Essential Oil Blend, 1/3 oz. has Essential Oils of Mandarin Orange, Sage, Rose Geranium, Palmarosa, Nutmeg, Rosewood, Cedarwood, Patchouli, Cardamom, and Vetiver.
10 ml. (1/3 oz.)

Divine Incense White Sage and Sunflower 7″
White sage and sunflower petals
Native Americans started the tradition of using Sacred Sage to ward off evil spirits and negative energies, and white sage has been used in ceremonies to seek blessings of health and prosperity, banish spirits, and encourage protection. Sage Smudging is a ritual where the leaves of the Sage plant are burned, and the smoke is directed into and onto areas that are in need of clearing and protection. The idea is that as the leaves are burned, and you speak express your gratitude for it’s assistance, the spirit of the sage plant releases it’s energy of protection and clearing into the space or onto the object that needs clearing. As the smoke moves through the room or over a surface, the smoke attaches itself to any heavy, negative energy that is within the space, object or being. As the smoke clears, the spirit of White Sage carries with it the negative energy that was once attached, back up to the Spiritual Light. This heavy energy then becomes released, so that it may regenerate into something positive. You can perform this smudging ritual on anything or anyone that needs a clearing.