Aunt Jacki’s Ultimate Fiery Wall of Protection Oil
The ultimate protection magic, calling in your warriors to deflect anything thrown your way.

Aunt Jacki’s Ultimate Love Me Oil
The ultimate love magic to send and receive the emotions you are desiring.

Aunt Jacki’s Ultimate Quick Cash Oil
When you need cash in hand, right away, no questions asked, this is the ultimate money magic for you.

Aunt Jacki’s Ultimate Uncrossing Oil
The ultimate in clearing your own crossed energy and setting your mind to success.

Chango Statuette
God of War, Fire, Thunder and Lightening
3.5 inches Tall, base is 2 inches wide

Ellugua Statuette
God of Travelers, Crossroads and Fortune
3.5 inches Tall, base is 1.5 inches wide

Oya Statuette
Oya Goddess Of Wind And Transformation
3.5 inches Tall, base is 2 inches wide

Yemaya Statuette
Mother of all and Goddess of the Ocean
3.5 inches Tall, base is 2 inches wide