Labradorite, Crystal Healing, Power Bracelet, 6mm


You will love this labradorite crystal healing power bracelet 6mm beads comprise this piece. It is approximately 7.25 inches long from first bead to last before stretching.

How can this crystal help you in your life?  See the description below for a list of the physical, emotional, and spiritual properties of labradorite.


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Promotes & Enhances

  • Psychic Abilities
  • Magic and Rituals
  • Change and Transformation
  • New Beginnings
  • Purpose in Life
  • Decisiveness
  • Mental Acuity
  • Restful and Rejuvenating Sleep
  • Identification of Mysterious Illnesses
  • Sensitivity and Understanding
  • Opening Heart to Others, Being Social
  • Amplification of Healing Thoughts and Prayers
  • Ascension
  • Accessing Extraterrestrials Energies
  • Connecting with Unseen Realms

Helps Alleviate & Heal

  • Anxiety and Stress
  • Negative Self Talk
  • Poor Digestion and Metabolism
  • Brain Disorders

Chakra:  All

Astrological Sign:  Sagittarius, Scorpio, Leo

Element:  Air