Malachite Free Form


This malachite free form is stunning with all it’s swirls and lines. Feel the energies of love!  Enjoy a shield of protection that malachite provides plus increased prosperity.  Cut to showcase the layers within the gemstone, this crystal is a natural wonder.  Get lost in the dreamy hues of greens, circles and swirls.

How can this crystal help you in your life? See the description below for a list of the physical, emotional, and spiritual properties of malachite.


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Promotes & Enhances

  • Deflecting Negativity Away by Creating a Shield of Protection Around You
  • Willpower and Determination
  • Setting and Achieving Goals
  • Manifesting
  • Transformation and Change
  • Spiritual Evolution
  • Emotional Balance
  • Fidelity
  • Clearing and Activating All Chakras
  • Strength and Vitality after Illnesses and Surgery
  • Tissue Regeneration
  • Chakra Balancing

Helps Alleviate & Heal

  • Back Pain
  • Emotional Confusion
  • Heart Issues and Disease
  • Circulation and Blood Flow
  • Exhaustion
  • Asthma
  • Vertigo
  • Body Tissues after Surgery
  • Broken Bones, Sprains, and Strains
  • Arthritis, Swollen Joints, and Inflammatory Diseases
  • Eases Childbirth

Chakra:  3rd/Solar Plexus, 4th/Heart

Astrological Sign:  Capricorn, Scorpio

Element:  Fire


