Super 7
Promotes & Enhances
- Telepathy
- Psychic Power
- Clairvoyance
- Astral Travel
- Spiritual Development
- Contentment, Harmony, Peace
- Manifestation
- Protection
- Balancing the Chakras
Helps Alleviate & Heal
- Pain
- Emotional Blocks
- Insomnia
- Stress
Chakra: All
Astrological Sign: ALL
Element: Air and Earth
Herkimer Diamond
Promotes & Enhances
- Psychic Abilities
- Channeling
- Meditation
- Higher Awareness
- Attunement of Energies
- Bringing Higher Spiritual Energy in the Physical World
- Dreams and Dream Awareness
- Visions
- Astral Travel
- Communication with Spirit Guides
- Balance (physical/emotional/mental)
- Physical Stamina and Energy Level
- Balanced Metabolism
- Purification and Cleansing of the Physical Body
- Cord Cutting of Negativity from your Energetic Body
Helps Alleviate & Heal
- Stress, Tension, and Nervousness
- Eyes and Eyesight Problems
- Toxins in the Body
- Rigidity of Body Tissues
- Toxins in the Body
Chakra: 6th/Third Eye and 7th/Crown
Astrological Sign: Sagittarius
Element: Air